Archive of the Sunrise District, Greater Cleveland Council, BSA

First Aid

Dead Fish (from Klondike1997)
Objective: To identify some representative fresh and saltwater fishes, all of which will be food species.
Each patrol will be given 2 minutes to observe in silence the display, then 5 minutes to write down their identifications.  Ten numbered specimens will be provided, with one or two additional surprise critters. The patrol must not only identify the correct fish, but also remember which number belonged to which fish.
Equipment needed:
Equipment provided:
paper and dead fish
Scoring: 10 points for each correctly identified fish
Back to the 1997 index

Winter Camping Kim's Game  (from the Klondike 1998 )

Objective: To correctly identify equipment used in winter camping
A display of 20 items will be shown to the patrol in silence for 1 minute. The patrol will then compile a list of the 15 winter camping equipment related items that it remembers. There will be items shown that should not be listed because they have nothing to do with proper winter camping. At the bottom of the sheet there will be a 2 question quiz on the patrol's knowledge of winter camping.  There will be a 10 minute time limit for completing the list and answering the two questions.
Equipment needed:  pencil
Equipment provided: paper
Scoring: correctly identified items 6 points each (90 points)
Winter camping quiz 10 points

To the Klondike 1998 index

Unsafe Site (from Klondike 1999)

Objective:     To determine what is wrong at a campsite that has been set up.
Procedure:    The Patrol will be led in silence along a designated path through a campsite.  After the tour the patrol will be given 10 minutes to list all of the items that are unsafe, unsanitary, out of place, improper for good camping in summer weather, etc.
Scoring:         100 points possible, based on a percentage of correct responses. There will be a 10 point penalty per incident for breaking silence Note:   among the items for this event we would like to emphasize some of the new requirements for Second and First Class which include stove safety and food handling.At the time of this printing we are unsure of what references to point Troops toward.
To the Klondike 2001 index

World Geography & Flag Decorum  (from Klondike 2001)
Objective: To work as a group to identify countries on a map. To demonstrate knowledge on how to respect the flag of the United States.
Procedure: The patrol will be led to a table with a world map covered by a sheet. They will be given 2 minutes to view the map in silence. On the map, countries will be labeled from 1 to 10. The patrol will then be led to another table where they will be given up to 10 minutes to make a list, by number, of the names of each of the labeled countries. The sheet will also contain some questions concerning flag etiquette for the patrol to answer.
Equipment Provided: everything needed except a pencil
Equipment Needed: a pencil
Scoring:   Country identification 80 points
                 Flag quiz 20 points

Countries to be studied:  Algeria, Angola, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Iceland, India, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Libya, Madagascar, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia,  Somalia, Sweden, Syria, & Vietnam
To the Klondike 2001 index  

Handbook Facts (from Klondike 2003)
Objective:   To display knowledge from the Scout Handbook.
Equipment Provided:  none
Equipment Needed:  Pencils
Part 1:  Each Scout will randomly be given a different category of skill from the Handbook:  Citizenship, Physically Strong, Cooking, Hiking, or Camping.  The Scouts will each read a story for which skills from his section of the Scout Handbook are required.  Each Scout will fill in the blanks to make his story accurate from a word list provided.  There will be extra words on the word lists.
Part 2: The patrol, as a group, will have to answer 5 additional questions from the History of Scouting section of the Handbook.
Scoring:Part 1:  80 points - as a percentage of the collective correct responses
Part 2:  20 points - as a percentage of correct responses
To 2003 Index

Scouting Jeopardy (from Klondike 2004)
Objective: The patrol will have 10 minutes to answer questions. There will only be five categories per game. The Board will be set up in 5 columns with point values 2,4,6,8

Equipment needed: Nothing
Equipment provided: Everything

Procedure: The patrol leader will pick five categories out of a hat. Once the categories have been set the first patrol member will choose a category on the board and a point value. The Judge asks him the question. If he gets it right then he gets full points. If he gets it wrong, then no points. The next patrol member will get his turn, and so on. Each Scout in the patrol will recieve one pass that he can use before he chooses the question. If his pass is used the next Scout will get to choose the next question, unless he uses his pass as well, then it will go to the next member. The patrol has 10 minutes to answer as many questions as possible.
The categories are:
1. General Requirements
2. Greater Cleveland General Information
3. Public Officials
4. Sunrise Information
5. BSA history
6. BSA General
7. Scout Advancement
8. Citizenship
9. Simming and Boating
10. Knots and Lashings

Points earned for correct questions.

To 2004 Index

Unsafe Campsite – (from Klondike 2005)
Objective: Patrol walks around campsite SILENTLY for five (5) minutes inspecting to find what is unsafe with the campsite. They will then have five (5) minutes as a group to write a list of unsafe items in the campsite. Talking is allowed when writing the list, but NO TALKING IS PERMITTED when the patrol is inspecting the campsite.
Equipment Provided: Unsafe Campsite
Equipment Needed: Pencil & Paper
Scored Items Maximum Points
12 – five point items 60
10 – one point items 10
Silence during walkthrough 10 (0 points if anyone talks)
Patrol Spirit 10 Maximum
Team Work 10 Maximum

To 2005 Index

First Aid
Please report problems or errors in this site to Ari Klein