Archive of the Sunrise District, Greater Cleveland Council, BSA
First Aid
Fire:    (from the 1997 & 1998 klondike)
Objective:To start a fire, by any means, and prepare a fried egg, overeasy.
Procedure: The judge will start keeping time as soon as Scouts start to lay their fire and ends when the patrol leader has finished eating the egg.
Equipment needed:
Everything to make and light a fire, as well as to cook an egg.Scouts must bring a ground shield and cleanup materials.Tinder materials must be natural with nothing chemically treated.Judges will have final authority regarding equipment, materials brought, etc.Patrols will be required to thoroughly clean their fire area before leaving the event.
Equipment provided:
1 egg
2 match fire -  5 points
Battery/steel wool 10
Hot spark 10
Mag. glass 15
Flint/steel 25
Fire by friction 30
Teamwork 0-10 points
Participation 5 points
in 1997:  4" pancake 10 points
in 1998:  a poached egg
Timing:  20 minute maximum
Under 20 minutes 
Below 10 minutes, add 1 point for every 10 seconds under 10 minutes
Example:6 minutes 39 seconds = 15 points plus 1 point for each 10 seconds under 10 minutes or 20 points for a total of 35 points for time.


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To the Klondike 1997 index
Blueberry Pancakes (from Klondike 1999)
Object:    Prepare a matchless fire using natural materials and prepare one 4@ Blueberry Pancake. Scores depend on which type of matchless fire is built or whether matches are used.

Materials needed: Fuel, kindling and fire starting materials.  Ground shield and cooking materials.  Patrols are also responsible for cleanup of their fire site.
Material provided: None

Method:  Each patrol must start a fire and cook one Blueberry Pancake.  Timing starts when the Patrol starts to lay the fire and ends when the Patrol leader eats the pancake.

Types of Fires:   Any method of matchless fire including but not limited to: Flint & Steel,
Fire by Friction, Magnifying glass, Battery & Steel wool, Hot Spark.  Those electing to use matches will be limited to 2 matches.
Fire building materials must be natural.  Tinder must not be chemically treated.
Violation will cause elimination from this event.

Type of fire
4@ blueberry pancake, 
 properly prepared
2 match
up to 50 points
Battery & steel wood
Patrol Participation
5 points
Hot spark
Bonus points 
(flipped without utensil)
Magnifying glass
Flint & steel
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To the Klondike 1999 index

Fire (from klondike 2000)
Objective: To build a 2 match fire with the materials provided and boil water in a container suspended from a tripod

Procedure: In the first portion of the event the patrol must prepare tinder, kindling and fuel from the material provided. Patrol member(s) using an axe to prepare the wood must utilize the axe yard provided on site. Any patrol member using an axe or knife must have a Tot=n Chip card in his possession. Safety is important and any unsafe practices will result in deduction of points from the event and at least one corner removed from the offending member=s Tot=n Chip card. The patrol will have a maximum time of 10 minutes to prepare the wood. No other portion of the event will be permitted until this portion is complete.

The second portion of the event is a timed portion. Once the timing starts, the patrol may lay the fire, and start the process of building the tripod. The #10 can must be suspended from the tripod, over the fire, using a proper hitch. The judges will provide two matches for this event. Once used, no other matches will be provided or allowed. Should the patrol be unable to start the fire with two matches, that portion of the event is finished.

Equipment Provided: 2 matches, chunks of 2 by 4, #10 can with 1 pint of water

Equipment Needed: 3 Scout Staves Rope to tie a Tripod Lashing & enough to suspend the #10 can, ground shield, at least 1 Tot=n Chip Card and 1 Fire=n' Chit Card (only members carrying the cards can perform those functions), equipment to prepare tinder, kindling & fuel

Scoring: Preparation of wood. Safety rules must be used in this process. Points will be deducted for improper safety procedures.
Proper use of an Axe and/or Knife  10 Points
Preparation of Tinder, Kindling & Fuel  10 Points
Fire: 1 Match 
2 Matches 
15 Points
5 Points
Tripod Lashing:  10 Points
Proper Hitch for #10 Can  10 Points
Teamwork 20 Points
Timing:  up to 20 Points (maximum time 10 minutes)
Participation 5 Points

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To the Klondike 2000 index

Fire Building  (from Klondike 2001)
Objective: To quickly prepare and start a fire in typical winter camping conditions.
1. The Patrol arrives and displays their Tot-n-Chip and Fire-n Chit Cards
2. The Patrol will be given time to gather fire building material from the surrounding area and prepare their fire (15 minute maximum). Patrols are NOT allowed to bring in their own material.
3. The Patrol will be given a 2-foot piece of jute twine that they can use for fire starting (if desired).
4. A string will be suspended over the fire, 2.5 ft off the ground.
5. The patrol will be given a match (and flint for lighting) and a time clock will start.
6. More matches can be requested, if needed. However, every match after the first deducts points from the score.
7. The clock stops when the string has burned through. There is a 15 minute time limit after kindling is prepared.

Equipment Provided: Matches, a 2-foot piece of jute twine (can be used as starter).
Equipment Needed: At least 1 Tot-n-Chip Card and 1 Fire-n’ Chit Card (only members carrying the cards can perform those functions), equipment to prepare tinder and kindling, ground shield.

Proper use of Knife / Hatchet 10 Points
Preparation of Tinder, Kindling, Fuel 10 Points – technique, plus points will be deducted for exceeding prep. time limit
Fire 20 Points for 1 Match, Subtract 5 for every match thereafter (i.e. 0 points for 5 matches)
Timing 30 Points – Points will be "force ranked", with the fastest Patrol earning all 30 points.
Teamwork 20 Points
Participation 10 Points

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To the Klondike 2001 index

Firebuilding (from Klondike 2002)
Objective: To quickly prepare and start a fire in typical winter camping conditions.
Equipment Provided: Matches, a 2-foot piece of jute twine (can be used as starter).
Equipment Needed: At least 1 Tot'n chip Card and 1 Fire'n chit card (only members carrying the cards can use wood tools or light the fire), equipment to prepare tinder and kindling, ground shield.

1) The Patrol arrives and displays their tot'n chip and fire'n chit cards.
2) The Patrol will be given time to gather fire building material from the surrounding area and prepare their fire (15 minute maximum).  Patrols are NOT allowed to bring in their own material.
3) The Patrol will be given a 2-foot piece of jute twine that they can use for fire starting (if desired).
4) A string will be suspended over the ground shield 1.5 ft (18") off the ground.  The ground shield must be on the ground.
A wire will be suspended 12 inches about the ground.  The fire must not be built higher that this wire.
5) The patrol will be given a match (and flint for lighting) and a time clock will start.
6) The fire must be lit at the BASE of the fire so that "the heat of a single match can grow into the flames of a campfire", as stated on page 250 of the Scout Handbook.
7) More matches can be requested, if needed.  However, every match after the first deducts points from the score.
8) The clock stops when the string has burned through.


Proper use of Knife / Hatchet 10 Points  
Preparation of Tinder, Kindling, Fuel  10 Points  technique, points will be deducted for exceeding the prep time limit
Fire 20 Points for 1 Match Subtract 5 points for each additional match  (i.e. 0 points for 5 matches).  The fire must be sustainable (one that you could continue to build on for cooking)
Timing 50 Points Points will be "force ranked" from 50 to 20 points
Teamwork 10 Points  

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To the Klondike 2002 index

Fire (From Klondike 2003)
   To build the smallest possible fire to get a cup of water up to 200° Fahrenheit
Equipment provided:  One square piece of plywood approximately 12-15” per side, 3 nails, hammer, 1 cup of water, matches if used, thermometer, can for boiling water.
Equipment needed:  Firewood, method to light fire if not using matches
Procedure:  Build a fire on the piece of plywood using the Three-point Fireplace technique on Page 251 of the Boy Scout Handbook (page 87 of the previous edition).  Any method of fire starting is allowed with points awarded for different techniques used.   Fire starters are not allowed.  The nails will be used to support the pot with each patrol pounding the nails into the plywood to the height and location they choose but nails must be pounded into the plywood.  

The area of the burn mark on the plywood will be measured by using a piece of cardboard cut in a circle.  The entire blackened area must be covered by the piece of cardboard.  If there is burned area outside the piece of cardboard, the next larger size will be used until all the blackened area is covered. 

The fire must be built directly on the piece of plywood - the fire cannot be elevated.   No shield can be used to protect the plywood from burning - this includes big pieces of firewood, aluminum foil, etc.  Patrols cannot wet the piece of plywood.  If they spill their water, they will be given one additional chance with a new piece of plywood.   In case of rain where the pieces of plywood get wet, the diameter of the circles may be changed.  The judges will make sure all boards are wetted equally or the fire building will take place under a rain fly.   All wood used should be natural and untreated. As soon as the fire reaches 200°  F (as measured by the judge) the patrol will douse the fire. 

There is a 20 minute time limit for the event.
Boiling water - 30 points
Burn Diameter - up to 40 points,
            Diameters greater than 14" receiving 5 points, then in 5 point increments per inch down to a 7" diameter
Starting technique - up to 30 points for friction, 25 for flint and steel, 20 for Magnifying glass, 15 for hot spark or battery with steel wool, 10 points for matches (2 maximum)
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To 2003 Index

Blueberry Pancakes
Objective: Prepare a matchless fire using natural materials and prepare one 4-inch diameter Blueberry Pancake. Scores depend on which type of matchless fire is built or whether matches are used.

Equipment needed: Fuel, kindling and fire starting materials. Ground shield, cooking materials, and mess kit. Pancake Batter (Mix) with blueberries. Pancake syrup is optional. Patrols are also responsible for cleanup of their fire site and eating area. Patrol members should display their Totin-Chip and Firem-n Chit Cards.

Equipment provided: None

Procedure: Each patrol must start a fire and cook one Blueberry Pancake. Timing starts when the Patrol starts to lay the fire and ends when the pancake is served on a plate (or Sierra cup). Then the patrol leader must eat the pancake.

Types of Fires: Any method of matchless fire including but not limited to: Flint & Steel, Fire by Friction, Magnifying glass, Battery & Steel wool, Hot Spark. Those electing to use matches will be limited to 2 matches. A fire started with a lighter will receive no points. Fire building materials must be natural. Tinder must not be chemically treated nor commercially produced. Violation will cause elimination from this event.


Type of Fire points Other Criteria points
1 match 10 4" blueberry pancake, properly prepared
both sides cooked
2 matches 5 Pancake eaten by patrol leader 5
Battery and Steel wool 10 Force-ranked time 20-50
Hot spark 15 Flipped without a utensil (not turned) 5
Magnifying glass 20    
Flint and Steel 25    
Fire by Friction 30    

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To 2004 Index

Fire Building & Emergency Shelter (from Klondike 2005)
Scenario: While crossing the frozen tundra, your patrol is caught in a sudden blizzard, and the temperature is dropping quickly. You must build a shelter and a fire. The judge will tell you a wind direction without pointing it out.
Objective: Using only the materials on your sledge (and the sledge itself if you wish) build a shelter that will protect at least two patrol members at a time from the weather. You must use at least three BSA lashings, at least two of which must be different from each other (square, diagonal, shear, round or tripod).
Also build a fire from wood you have brought. Your fire must conform to BSA policy. No liquid fire starters, waxes, oils, etc. may be used. There will be a post on either side of the fire lay with two strings running horizontally. Your fire lay may not go above the lower string(18”). Once you light your fire you may not add wood or rearrange it. The fire must burn through the upper string(24”) to receive full score.
Equipment Provided: Posts & strings for judging the fire. A garbage can lid or similar for fire.
Equipment Needed:
· Tarp (no smaller than 6 feet by 6 feet)
· Material to set up shelter
· 3 poles approximately 6 feet long with no flat sides
· Ropes or twine for lashings
· Material for building a fire
Scoring: Shelter secure with at least three lashings done correctly and at least two

different kinds of lashings   30
Shelter properly oriented   10
At least two Scouts encompassed in shelter   10
Fire properly located in relation to shelter and wind   10
Fire built and lit   10
Top string burned through   10
Teamwork   10
Patrol Spirit   10

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To 2005 Index

First Aid
Please report problems or errors in this site to Ari Klein