Fairfax Grounds Fund Raising Events

The "Everything a $1" March Madness event at the Cleveland Heights Recreation Center kicked off the playground fund raising activities and raised over $1,500 for the cause on Saturday March 19, 2005.
March Madness 2006 topped 2005 in FUNdraising and produced over $3,600 in Playground donations.
The Great Garage Sale was our second in an ongoing series of FUNdraising events and raised over $1000 on Saturday June 18, 2005.
Many thanks to the following donors:
- The Hershey Foundation for a grant of $10,000
- The Wolpert Fund of The Cleveland Foundation for a grant of $1000
- The Funny Times Peace Fund of The Cleveland Foundation for a grant of $500
- An anonymous gift for $4,000
- The Andrews Foundation for a grant of $7,500
- CVS for a grant of $5,000
- Fairfax PTA and Fairfax school for raising $3,500 in ice cream sales and other fundraising events
- Individual community members that have sent in checks that now total over $8,750
- Franklin Soults and Suzanne Buchanan
- Michael and Linda Dudzinsky
- Mark and Leslie Swaim-Fox
- Linette and Kimberly Anderson
- Jeffrey and Claudia Weissman
- Ken Barcus
- Phillip and Therese Shuffer
- Ann H. Buchanan
- Mary M. Buchanan
- Carl and Kathryn Remensky
- Susan Wetzel
- Ned Sormaz and Jennifer Thomas
- Vera Camden & Kevin Cahill
- Denise Jackson and Stewart Pharis
- Tomas and Kirsten Radivoyevitch
- Edye S. Buchanan
- Russell and Lisa Berusch
- Ann Meehan
- Malia Lewis and Margot S Damaser
- Benjamin K. Greenberg
- David Watson and Abigail Bole
- Julie Keller M.D.
- William and Dallas Schubert
- Michael S. Klein
- Scott Krupkin and Mary Zenisek
- Leonard Steinbach
- Dr. Gaylee J. McCracken
- Geradine and William Pitts
- Ben and Jennifer Cohen
- Bradley and Alice McDonald
- Dr. William E. and Annette M. Cappaert
- Beate Vanderschalie
- Jean K. Morris
- Laurence and Susan Channing
- Thomas Sperl
- Gregory and Elise Lindsay
- Elaine Green
- John and Margaret Robinson
- Marjorie and James Bashaw
- Julie Sabroff and William Willoughby
- Steven and Arlene West
- Kay Price
- Earl Pike and Elizabeth Klein
- Marixa Lasso
- Doug Pederson and Beverlee Day
- Michael and Courtney Novak
- Stuart and Anne Klein
- Joan Goldstein and Jeffrey Bendix
- Katherine Lammert
- Keith and Kelly Horter
- Robert and Kay Levine
- Carol Mirman
- Charles King and Catherine Keating
- Andrea Schmidt
- E Bukovnik Cook and TA Cook II
- Geoffrey and Eva Rajki Johnson
- Robert and Karen Youdelman
- Devon McLennan
- Rita Chabler
- Michael Davis and Deborah Jones
- Richard and Susan Glaser
- Meghan Zehnder
- Anne and John Finnegan
- Julie and Jason Wolfe
- Steve Brown and Betsy Mahlke
- Drs. Elizabeth and John Feighan
- Gerald and Betty Winchell
- Curtis Donskey and Michelle Hecker
- Christopher Greer Axelrod
- Betty Nelson
- Louis and Carol Rippner
- Philip and Mary Chenoweth
- Elizabeth Salemi Szpak
- Michael Szuba
- William Linnert
- Arthur and Carolyn VanDyke
- Larry Shaw
- Robert and Donna Kirsch
- Ryan and Sarah Routh
- Robert James Rosenberg
- Ernest and Celia Balkany
- Eva and Michael Kaplan
- William Annable
- Mark Phillips and Lita Gonzalez
- Charles and Yvonne Shuster
- Carolyn Freer
- George and Sylvia Prozan
- Kenneth Montlack
- Douglas and Mary Ann Kerr
- Allen and Joan Perris
- Glenn and Temma Collins
- Joseph and Sheryl Parks
- Marjory Klein and Paul Gellman
- Barbara Berman
- Jack Collins M.D. and Rosyln Collins
- Michael S. Goldstein Co., L.P.A.
- David Kazdan, M.D., and Laura Gooch
- Keith White
- Cyhthia Brogan
- Jeffrey Dean and Barbara Claas
- Robert B. Boody
- Guy and Rita Thellian
- William and Diane Ehrlich
- Susan Marquardt
- Christopher and Maribeth Gibbon
- Marty and Sherri Appleton
- Carol Badertscher
- Paul and Alice Fehlau
- Jean and Warren Stewart
- Carolyn and Christopher Jacobs
- Michael Lederman M.D. and Sharon Sollitto
- Thomas and Geraldine Rask
- Laura and Guy Chisolm III
- John Milgram
- Elizabeth and Thomas Lewis
- Martin Samuels
- Clara Eaton
- Martin Jaffee, M.D. and Ruth Jaffe
- Edward Sherwin
- Gary Hanson and Barbara Klante
- Dolores D Woehrmann
- John and Pamela Gibbon
- Mark and Susanne Noble
- William and Judith Stigelman
- Christopher Sklarin and Alexis Abramson
- Aphrodite Papadakis, M.D. and Matthew Alden
- Robert and Amy Fischer
- Bonnie and Frederick Mills
- Kenneth and Jean Burton
- John and Molly Kuras
- Paul Radivoyevitch
- Adam and Susan Fleischer
- John and Gwendolyn Flowers
- Hollis Selvaggi
- Richard and Nancy Dietrich
- William and Joyce Collins
- Lisa G. Collins
- Michele Pruden
- Leo and Beverlee Rosenbluth
- Christopher Delacruz
- Linda Schnell
- Scott and Erica Gruskin
- Sarojini Rao
- Eric Collins and Keri Bartholomew
- Jacqueline D'emilia Fox
- Roger and Sally Baden
- Peter and Sandra Bond
- Susannah Hyatt
- Carolyn and Christopher Jacobs
- Steve Toth
- Joel Freund and Carla Crawley
- William and Sarah Ganger
- Jacky, Sr. and Brenda Brown
- J.I. And Stephen Rajki
- Rayka and Paul Radivoyevitch
- Petland of the Heights Cruz-Samsa Corp
- Joan Mortimer, PH.D.
- Yvonne and Rufus Sims
- Raphael A. M. Lewis
- Nancy Little
- William Katzin
- Ruth and Phillip Brutz
- Susan Staugaitis
- Howard Willen, DDS and Deborah Segal Willen
- Jack and Phoebe Moss
- Mary Louise Sauer
- Lisa and Matthew Bugenske
- James Knute Miller, Jr and Deborah Van Kleef
- Philip and Hannah Adelman
- Peter and Rose Edwards
- William and Terri Frey