Final Program

Scores are in. We have recalculated the Senior division completely since we had missed the Troop 620 Meatball scores. This does change the outcome announced at the klondike. Feb 7, 2004 AK


PDF file of Program; Summary; Schedule; and Jeopardy Questions

Link to event summary
Link to 2004 schedule with rules and registration form
To event archives
PDF file of Jeopardy sample questions
PDF file about our February Junior Leader Orientation Workshop. A one day session of basic skills for Scouts.

Mail problems or concerns with site to

2004 Events
1. Tallest Structure
2. First Aid
3. Mapping Transfer Kim's Game
4. Bird ID matching call/picture/name

5. Caterpillar race
6. Survival Skills
7. Jeopardy using Scouting categories
8. Blueberry Pancakes
9. Travois Race
10. Geography

1. Tallest Structure
Site: MacCahill Reception
Objective: To lash together a free-standing structure from 6 staves.
Procedure: The patrol will utilize 6 staves, approximately 5 feet in length, to lash together a free-standing structure. Points will be awarded according to height and proper lashings.  One stave will have a flag attached to it. The height of the structure will be measured, after is stand for 1 minute without any aid, from the ground to the top of the stave with the flag.
No guy lines or other support will be allowed. You will not be allowed to dig any of the poles into the ground. You may not carve or otherwise alter the staves.  There is a 15 minute time limit.
Equipment Needed: rope
Equipment Provided: 6staves (each approximately 5 feet long), 1 stave will have a flag attached.
Scoring:  Lashing  -  50 points (minus 10 points for each incorrect lashing)
                Height   -  up to 50 points based on pre-set increments. (Height will be used to determine the event winner)

2. First Aid
Site: Riverside
: To assess, treat, and prepare accident victims for transport and professional treatment.
Equipment Provided: Some useful materials might be at the scene of the accident.
Equipment Needed: Patrol first aid kit (see page 290 of Scout handbook eleventh edition 1998).
Procedure: The patrol will be introduced to an accident scene. Their task will be to stabilize the victims and prepare them for transport and professional treatment. Scouts should make use of all available resources, as they would in a real life situation. All patrol members should have knowledge of and be able to demonstrate CPR. There is a 15 minute time limit.
Scoring: Points will be awarded in the following areas, 100 points maximum.
Rescuers introduce themselves and seek permission to treat.
Control of accident scene.
Obtaining professional assistance.
Contents of first aid kit.
Correctly identifying nature of injuries.
Treatment of injuries.
Time to finish all tasks will be used as the tiebreaker if needed.


3. Mapping Transfer Kim's Game
Site: Big Maple
To transfer locations of various items and translate them into symbols from a diorama to a blank map.
Equipment needed: pencil
Equipment Provided: dioramas, blank map
Procedure: The patrol will be randomly split into groups of no more than 3 members. Each group will be led to a diorama that has four topographical, natural, and man-made features per Scout marked with numbers. Each group will have 2 minutes to study their diorama in silence where no writing will be permitted. Groups will then be given a blank map representing their diorama where they will work together for up to 8 minutes transferring the features they observed. The maps they create should be as accurate as possible with respect to location of items using map symbols correctly. The map symbols will be from the Scout Handbook.
Scoring: Up to 40 points will be awarded for accuracy of maps
Up to 60 points will be awarded for correct use of map symbols


4. Bird ID matching call/picture/name
Site: Whispering Leaves
: To identify birds common to Northeast Ohio as well as others
Procedure: The patrol will run relay-style to a judge who will play a bird call from either a cassette or CD then ask them to identify a bird matching its picture and its name. Patrol members will cycle through to the judge until they have seen 10 different birds. Time limit is 10 minutes.

Equipment Provided: Recorded Bird Sounds, Pictures of birds, Name cards of birds
Equipment Needed: Nothing
Scoring: Points are earned by correctly matching a picture to the sound and correctly matching a name to the sound.
The number of correct matches will determine the score as a percent of 30 possible matches.
Time to determine tie breaker for best scores.

Bird List:
Blue Jay, Cardinal, Gull, Red-Tailed Hawk, Great Horned Owl, Sparrow, Mourning Dove, Eagle, Wren, Turkey Vulture, Robin, Roadrunner, Mallard Duck, Canada Goose, Pileated Woodpecker, Chick-a-dee, Loon, Whippoorwill, Wild Turkey.

Possible References:
Nature’s Helpers
Bird Calls of New York State
Greg Kunkel’s page


5. Caterpillar Race
Site: Twisted Trees
To have 5 boys navigate a pair of 1 by 6's as a team.
Procedure: 5 boys will be selected by the patrol leader. These boys will take positions on a pair of 1 by 6's, one foot on each board. There will be a set of rope handles for each boy to hold. The patrol will then proceed to walk with the 1 by 6's around a course
Equipment Provided: Caterpillar
Equipment Needed: Nothing
Scoring: 100 points force-ranked. There will be a 10 second penalty for every limb that makes contact with the ground.


6. Survival Skills
Site: Trumbull
: Learn preparation for expected and unexpected needs that may arise in a survival situation in cold weather. Work as a team to solve problems under time pressure.
Equipment needed: Nothing
Equipment provided: A number of items that may or may not be useful to survive and deal with problems encountered in the scenario.
Patrols will have up to 15 minutes to complete the following 3 tasks:
1. The patrol will read a written scenario that describes the survival situation that they find themselves in. It will be a cold weather scenario. The patrol will need to assume they will need to survive on their own for at least several days time without outside help as well as deal with any problems that the scenario gives them, such as the need to signal rescuers, to treat injuries, and/or to minimize adverse effects of weather conditions.
2. Prior to the problem-solving phase of the event, patrols will have up to 5 minutes to pick a small number of items (the written scenario will indicate how many) from those made available to them.
3. Solve or deal with problems that the scenario gives them, using any of the items that they have chosen. Items may be used for multiple purposes. The patrol can also use any dead natural materials found in the area of the event and clothing they are wearing. They may not use any items, other than clothing, that they may have on their person or in their Klondike sled or travois.

Following the 15 minute timed period, the patrol will be asked to explain/describe any creative ways that items were used in solving a problem or are planned to be used for the survival of the patrol. Judges may ask questions as well. This debriefing will take at most 5 minutes.

Scoring: (100 points possible)
20 points: Teamwork
30 points: Selection of most useful items from those available (“experts” will determine the most correct selections for the purpose of survival and problem solution; this list and an accompanying explanation will be distributed at the awards ceremony but not during the competition). For example, if 6 items are to be chosen, each correct selection will be worth 5 points; if 10 items are to be chosen, each one will be worth 3 points. If patrols use other items in unanticipated ways that are equivalently useful to the experts’ solution, equivalent points will be awarded.
50 points: Solution of scenario problems. For example, if there are 2 problems, each will be worth 25 points. Judges will award partial credit for an incomplete or partially correct solution (to the extent that patrols’ behavior can be anticipated, partial/incomplete solution points will be decided on ahead of time to maximize judging consistency).


7. Scouting Jeopardy
Site: Long Needle
Objective: The patrol will have 10 minutes to answer questions. There will only be five categories per game. The Board will be set up in 5 columns with point values 2,4,6,8

Equipment needed: Nothing
Equipment provided: Everything

Procedure: The patrol leader will pick five categories out of a hat. Once the categories have been set the first patrol member will choose a category on the board and a point value. The Judge asks him the question. If he gets it right then he gets full points. If he gets it wrong, then no points. The next patrol member will get his turn, and so on. Each Scout in the patrol will recieve one pass that he can use before he chooses the question. If his pass is used the next Scout will get to choose the next question, unless he uses his pass as well, then it will go to the next member. The patrol has 10 minutes to answer as many questions as possible.
The categories are:
1. General Requirements
2. Greater Cleveland General Information
3. Public Officials
4. Sunrise Information
5. BSA history
6. BSA General
7. Scout Advancement
8. Citizenship
9. Simming and Boating
10. Knots and Lashings

Points earned for correct questions.
NEW:PDF FILE OF SAMPLE QUESTIONS FOR EACH CATEGORY look under "council info" for the history of the council


8. Blueberry Pancakes
Site: Fire Ring off parking lot
Objective: Prepare a matchless fire using natural materials and prepare one 4-inch diameter Blueberry Pancake. Scores depend on which type of matchless fire is built or whether matches are used.

Equipment needed: Fuel, kindling and fire starting materials. Ground shield, cooking materials, and mess kit. Pancake Batter (Mix) with blueberries. Pancake syrup is optional. Patrols are also responsible for cleanup of their fire site and eating area. Patrol members should display their Totin-Chip and Firem-n Chit Cards.

Equipment provided: None

Procedure: Each patrol must start a fire and cook one Blueberry Pancake. Timing starts when the Patrol starts to lay the fire and ends when the pancake is served on a plate (or Sierra cup). Then the patrol leader must eat the pancake.

Types of Fires: Any method of matchless fire including but not limited to: Flint & Steel, Fire by Friction, Magnifying glass, Battery & Steel wool, Hot Spark. Those electing to use matches will be limited to 2 matches. A fire started with a lighter will receive no points. Fire building materials must be natural. Tinder must not be chemically treated nor commercially produced. Violation will cause elimination from this event.


Type of Fire points Other Criteria points
1 match 10 4" blueberry pancake, properly prepared
both sides cooked
2 matches 5 Pancake eaten by patrol leader 5
Battery and Steel wool 10 Force-ranked time 20-50
Hot spark 15 Flipped without a utensil (not turned) 5
Magnifying glass 20    
Flint and Steel 25    
Fire by Friction 30    


9. Travois Race
Site: West Lodge by road
   To construct a travois, then race around a course dragging a patrol member.
Equipment needed:    5 pieces of rope about 10 feet each with ends properly finished.
Items supplied:
4 poles not longer than 7 feet each.
   Patrols will lash the travois together  using the poles provided.  When completed one Scout will be chosen to ride on the travois while 4 other patrol members  drag the travois  around the course.  The same 4 Scouts must pull for the entire course, no substitutes.  There are no prescribed lashing, but the design should look somewhat like fig. #1.  However if the travois comes apart during the race it must be lashed over where it came apart before proceeding to the end of the course.
Time limit:     
10 minutes
         Force ranked by time from 30 - 100 points for patrols finishing within the time limit. Patrol that do not finish within the time limit will receive 10 points for their participation. There is a penalty of 10 seconds for every time the rider touches the ground (except when re-lashing)


10. Geography
Site: Commissary Porch
To place pictures of famous sites from American history in the state they are located
Equipment needed: Nothing
Equipment provided: maps, pictures, all else required
Procedure: Patrol members will run relay style to a judge. The Scout will pick a card with a picture, which may contain clues. The card will tell the Scout to name an historic site or a state. The Scout must place the card on a state on a map of the United States where it belongs and name the site or state as the picture instructs.
Patrol members cycle through until 20 locations have been attempted. Time limit - 15 minutes.

Scoring: Based on a percentage of correct matches to the card (site or state name and correct placement)


:Boston Tea Party Boston, Mass   Declaration of Independence Philadelphia, PA
Valley Forge Valley Forge, PA   Constitutional Convention Philadelphia, PA
Battle of Baltimore
(Fort. McHenry/National Anthem)
Baltimore, MD   Louisiana Purchase New Orleans, LA
Migration to the west St. Louis, MO   Mexican War mark 3 of 5 states made out of area taken
Territory where violent opposition to expansion of slavery into the west reached its peak in 1850's Kansas   First shots of Civil War Fort. Sumter, SC
"High water mark" of rebels Gettysburg, PA   End of the Civil War Appomattox Court House, VA
U.S. Joined East to West by rail Promontory Point, Utah   Native Americans resist loss of sacred lands Little Big Horn, Montana
They're coming to America Ellis Island   Birth of National Park System Old Faithful Yellowstone N. Pk
Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
The 49th state purchased from Russia Alaska   WW II finds U.S. Arizona Memorial Pearl harbor, HI
Segregation is no longer the law of the land United Stated Supreme Court, Washington, D.C.   Now man can destroy the world Yucca Flats, Nevada
Founding of the United Nations in October 1945 San Francisco, CA      


Site: at event site assigned on scorecard
Objectives: To have a hot lunch.
Procedure: Each patrol will be assigned one of the event sites as a place to cook lunch. The patrol leader should sign in with the event judge between 11:45 and noon before cooking. The patrol will cook a hot meal using the best means available: stoves, wood, charcoal. During the lighting of stoves an adult should supervise. Patrols using fires must use a ground shield. Patrol must also prepare a hot drink. When the patrol has finished, the site must be cleaned up. Each patrol should plan on two extra servings for the judges. Events begin again at 1:15.
Equipment Needed: Food, fuel, a garbage bag for trash, and cooking gear.
Scoring: Hot meal, Hot drink, Clean up, Patrol Cheer each 25 points.
Patrols will receive a maximum of 10 points per section if any non-patrol member assists.