January 22, 2000   by School FAQ Research Committee

Definitions of COLUMN codes used to search State EMIS(98-99 school year)
DataBase in all of Cuyahoga County

Variable    Description
--------    -----------
DNAME       District Name
CNAME       County Name
STDCT27     Number of Performance Standards met out of 27
D582        Administrative Expenditure/Pupil (1999)
D587        Total Expenditure/Pupil (1999)

SQL search command followed by tabular results
The table below is sorted by Administrative Expenditure/Pupil (1999).

select DNAME,D582,D587,STDCT27
from rc_db
where CNAME='Cuyahoga'
order by D582 descending;

| DNAME                         | D582    | D587    | STDCT27 |
| Beachwood City                |  $2,106 | $13,151 | 26      |
| Cuyahoga Heights Local        |  $1,821 | $13,401 | 26      |
| Brooklyn City                 |  $1,815 |  $9,534 | 12      |
| East Cleveland City           |  $1,441 |  $9,471 |  2      |
| Orange City                   |  $1,327 | $11,608 | 26      |
| Shaker Heights City           |  $1,294 | $10,891 | 17      |
| Warrensville Heights City     |  $1,194 |  $8,074 |  7      |
| Cleveland Hts-Univ Hts City   |  $1,156 |  $9,979 |  9      |
| Independence Local            |  $1,144 |  $9,847 | 26      |
| Bedford City                  |  $1,110 |  $9,084 |  9      |
| Euclid City                   |  $1,091 |  $8,122 |  8      |
| Rocky River City              |  $1,048 |  $8,288 | 23      |
| Parma City                    |  $1,041 |  $7,719 | 17      |
| Richmond Heights Local        |  $1,027 |  $7,849 | 16      |
| Strongsville City             |  $1,017 |  $7,717 | 22      |
| Bay Village City              |    $977 |  $7,581 | 27      |
| Berea City                    |    $938 |  $8,180 | 18      |
| Chagrin Falls Ex Village      |    $922 |  $7,911 | 27      |
| South Euclid-Lyndhurst City   |    $889 |  $8,947 | 16      |
| Westlake City                 |    $885 |  $8,656 | 26      |
| Mayfield City                 |    $866 |  $8,237 | 25      |
| Solon City                    |    $866 |  $8,530 | 26      |
| Maple Heights City            |    $856 |  $6,225 |  7      |
| Garfield Heights City         |    $854 |  $6,678 |  9      |
| Olmsted Falls City            |    $840 |  $6,933 | 27      |
| North Olmsted City            |    $830 |  $7,143 | 22      |
| Brecksville-Broadview Heights |    $795 |  $7,484 | 27      |
| North Royalton City           |    $776 |  $6,789 | 25      |
| Fairview Park City            |    $764 |  $7,582 | 22      |
| Cleveland City                |    $762 |  $7,718 |  0      |
| Lakewood City                 |    $754 |  $7,117 | 15      |
31 rows in set (0.02 sec)