This website and its contents were developed by Euclid Golf residents
Deanna Bremer Fisher and Hugh Fisher. Beginning in approximately 1997, we
each began to independently research the history of our houses.
It was though that process that we came to understand the significance of
Euclid Golf as a real estate development, and in 2000 we pooled our
resources and set out to obtain recognition for Euclid Golf through listing
on the National Register of Historic Places. After conducting
extensive research, we submitted the final application in June, 2002.
In August, 2002 Euclid Golf was listed on the National Register of Historic
Places. In 2004 we wrote a book about Euclid Golf, published by
Arcadia. After all that, we figured we must be compatible, so we
decided to get married! We have placed much of the information we uncovered about Euclid
Golf on this website for everyone to enjoy. There is more information
that we could not put on this website due to limitations of time and
difficulties reproducing certain materials in a digital format. We
invite inquiries about Euclid Golf generally, because if you do not see what
you are looking for on this site, we may have it in some other format.
Please note, however, that we do not have blueprints for houses. In
many cases we know which houses still have blueprints or original drawings,
but we do not have direct access to such materials. When time permits,
we will include a database that will contain all of the historical
information we have found out about each Euclid Golf house, and we will
include a notation about the existence of drawings.
We also invite visitors to our site to provide us with comments or,
better yet, additional information about Euclid Golf, its houses, and its
residents, past and present. Feel free to drop a line to the Webmaster
This website is home-grown, so any comments about it and its navigation
structure are welcome (it's our first web site, so be gentle!).
Thanks for stopping by!
Deanna Bremer Fisher and Hugh Fisher |