ACTION Expression of League positions to governmental officials by the president or her/his authorized representative.
ACTION ALERT Request from state or national League to take action at a specific time in support of a League position.
Priorities for legislative and Congressional action. It is composed of a few issues that League intends to take a leadership role in addressing.
A meeting held each year by local Leagues to adopt program and budget, amend by-laws, and permit local members an opportunity to give direction to the Board.  The local equivalent of state and national convention.
CONCURRENCE Agreement of League members with position reached by a small group or another League.
CONSENSUS Collective opinion of League members on a particular subject.
CONVENTION State and national League meetings held biennially. Delegates adopt program, elect officers, adopt a budget for the coming year, and act on proposed bylaws changes.
COUNCIL State and national meetings held in the years between conventions.
The tax-deductible arm of the League of Women Voters. Education funds may be established at all three levels of League, but are discouraged at the local level because of the legal requirements involved.  Education moneys may not be used for position support activities.
Refers to households in which there are two or more members. The per member payment (PMP) for each member beyond the initial one is assessed at half the PMP rate at state and national levels.
LIFE MEMBER There are two categories of life members: Paid life members are those who have paid a life-membership fee (currently $ 1,000); Honorary Life Members are those who have been members of the League for 50 years or more and are excused from the payment of dues.  CH-UH has two Honorary Life Members.
Popular but incorrect terminology. There is no such thing as a "national member," but there are members who join at the national level.
League policy of never supporting or opposing any candidate or political party.
OBSERVERS League members who attend meetings of government councils, boards and commissions to listen and report back to the LWV membership. These members understand League purposes, policies, and procedures.
PMP Acronym for Per Member Payment (dues), the amount of money paid to the state and national on behalf of each member.
POSITION League's point of view, arrived at through member study and consensus (or concurrence).
PRINCIPLES Governmental standards and policies supported by the League by which all proposed or adopted local, state, or national issues are measured.
PROGRAM Selected governmental issues chosen by the membership at local, state, and national levels for study and action.
PROGRAMS Plans for speakers, discussions, or other activities for League meetings.
Program information and publications gathered and/or prepared by League committees as background for discussion.
STUDY One of the things that separates the League from other organizations is its requirement for study before establishing a position.  The Board solicits ideas from the membership and evaluates the need for a study.  A study committee forms and evaluates information.  Member agreement at the end of the study is important, and is reached by: consensus,  written tallies - (opinions may be gathered by taking tallies or answering questionnaires), or concurrence.  The product of a study is often a new or changed position. The positions taken by the League together with studies being worked on constitute the program.
UNIT A small group of League members and the interested persons meeting at regular intervals to discuss subjects and issues of League concern.
UPDATE Review of existing positions to understand why League took a particular position, to take a position on ballot issues, or to provide new data relevant to the position
VOTER Newsletter for members and other subscribers, published by local, state, and national Leagues.
VOTERS GUIDE Nonpartisan publications giving candidates' qualifications and positions on selected issues.
VOTERS SERVICE Year-round activity to help citizens to be politically effective and to encourage their participation in the political process.  Registering voters and presenting election Voters Guides are the two most basic Voters Service activities.