(Policy Notebook)


The Cleveland Heights and University Heights community is committed to providing an environment that supports and encourages youth to reach their fullest potential and to become responsible and contributing members of society. To this end, the cities, schools, public and private community groups and organizations shall seek to offer all youth appropriate opportunities at their different stages of development which will enable them to:

We believe that these important ends are reached by providing:

The Cleveland Heights-University Heights Youth Policy is being developed for the following purposes:

This commitment requires the involvement and support of all elements of the public and private sectors, including:


In order to support this youth policy, the cities, schools and community agencies that work with and provide services to youth will:

  1. Coordinate and collaborate with each other whenever appropriate and feasible in order to provide the most effective and efficient services to youth.
  2. Remain sensitive to the importance of incorporating needs-based programs into their long-range planning procedures to ensure that agencies maintain a focus on the highest priority needs of youth.
  3. Pursue funding opportunities at the national, state, and local levels, as well as in the private sector, that will support or complement efforts to meet the needs of youth.
  4. Develop processes and opportunities that will ensure meaningful community involvement in the planning and implementation of services and programs for youth.
  5. Utilize the City and School Staff to promote collaborative efforts to address youth issues.

This broadly worded policy provides a framework of direction for addressing the community's vision for youth and family.

Approved by the Board of Education August 14, 1995